

  懶得詳述情況,就以我向美國的朋友 Jon 抱怨的內容作個記錄吧...

  me: sup
  jon: nothing much man just working
    what's been going on with you?
  me: just working too
    the diffirent thing would be
    you work for an american
    and i work for an idiot
  jon: i thought to the rest of the world , american = idiot
  me: sounds like you are not one of them....
    i caught a bad cold last week and took a day off to see the doctor
    and for some reason my boss called me and gave me an admonitory talk while i was in the hospital
    i really hated that....
  jon: what kind of talk would that be
  me: something like i should put my job before my health....
  jon: fuck that
  me: i dont really remember... you know... i was sick....
    so it was just like... blah blah
    for half an hour...
  jon: if you aren't healthy you can't do your job
    my boss here will threaten to beat you if you come to work sick
  me: beat a sick man... is that only thing he can do?
    i am kidding.....
  jon: hahahaha
    nah they would just rather you stay home and get better and NOT get everyone else in the office sick
  me: it should be like that
  jon: yup
  me: however, my boss fired a writter last month and she has no one else to write
     so now i am an animator and also the writer
  jon: wow, so that means you are getting paid more huh?
  me: no... it just means i am getting pain more
  jon: that's weak
  me: writting is not my problem
    the problem is writting for her
  jon: right
  me: would John Lassater ask his writter "toys come alive when human are not around? why?"?
  jon: probably not
    then I have to spend another day to explain why toys can move themselves since I think nobody would care this issue
  jon: right
  me: one my colleague said something great
    he said "it's like you told her 1 plus 1 equals 2 and she said... what is one?"
  jon: hahahahahaha that's pretty good
  me: and now you know i am actually working for an idiot
    i am done complaining
    now i got to have a fucking meeting
  jon: bye


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