
  Every time I see freshmen looking at the map of Norman Hall say "Why is room 321 numbered 319 on the map?", I miss Samir.

  Samir, my best friend, always challenged me to see who was bolder. "I'm not scared of ghosts." , I told him. "I don't believe that there are ghosts in the world." , and he usually repeated his challenge. To test our courage, we decided to play a game. We talked about the ghosts in Norman Hall at midnight. People said that it is a haunted building. Whichever of us felt afraid first would be the loser. I remember that the date we played the game was the 16th of March, 2001.

  We entered Norman Hall secretly from an unlocked window and found an unlocked room on the 3rd floor. We lit a candle and began talking about the ghosts. I told Samir two of the scariest ghost stories I knew and tried to scare him, but he wasn't afraid at all. After that, we both felt hungry.

  I knew that there was a refrigerator in a room nearby, so we went there, room 319. Fortunately, the door was not locked. Samir opened the door oddly that wasn't a room. We saw a stair down and couldn't see the end. We stepped on the stair curiously and the door suddenly disappeared. An unending stair up appeared behind us.

  "What happened?", I said and wanted to go on walking, but Samir stopped me.

  "How many steps have you walked?", he asked me.

  "Maybe 2 or 3 I think."

  "Was it 2 or 3? That's important.", Samir looked at me seriously.

  "I...I'm not sure. Why do you ask?", I said.

  "Do you know the story of Norman Hall? Why it is called a haunted building?"

  "No, I don't know."

  "I didn't believe it at first, but...", Samirbegan telling me the story, "It was a high school here 40 years ago. There were three 17-year-old student who went to school at midnight like us. But they were discovered by the guards, so they wanted to hide in a room. They ran into the room which they thought was room 317, but it was not. They ran into the wrong room because of the dark.

  That was a stair down and they fell to their death there. After that, their spirit dwelt in room 317. If someone went into that room, he would see the stair and no exit. People said that if he steps on the 51st, 3 multiplied by 17, step, his soul will be taken to another world by those students. We must skip the 51st step and step on the 52nd step to go back."

  "OK, this is the most scary story I have ever heard.", I said, "But I remember the room is no. 319!"

  "Room 319 was room 317." Samir said, "The school administration skipped the number to avoid the legend, though they didn't believe that at all. It exists."

  "So we must skip the 51st step! But we don't remember how many steps we have walked.", I said frightenedly.

  "OK. Let's assume that we have walked for 3 steps.", Samir suggested.

  We went on walking and counted the steps we have walked. Finally we arrived to the 50th step. Unfortunately, we were not exactly sure if that was 49th step or the 50th one.

  "Windy.", Samir said, "It's not necessary for us both to take a risk. I will step on the next step first. If something happens to me, I want you skip that for the 52nd step."

  I tried to stop him but I was so scared that I was slow. Samir stepped on the next step and, suddenly, a white translucent claw grabbed him and then...

  I don't remember what I did after that. I woke up in the hospital the next morning. My classmates said that I fainted in room 319, but nobody saw Samir. Samir was missing and I have never seen him again.

  The school changed the number of room 319 again, though they didn't believe my experience. Now it is room 321. That's why there is no room 317 and 319 there. I am not sure if I am avoiding the legend because I have never entered Norman Hall after 9 o'clock again. But, if you want to go room 321 at midnight, do me a favor please.

  Tell Samir I thank him, and I wanna tell him, "You win."

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